Mezquita de Córdoba en la mano Maqueta Mezquita de Córdoba Mezquita de Córdoba detalle Mezquita de Córdoba envase Mezquita de Córdoba iluminada






Assembly time

Assembly time




400 g



20x40x12,6 cm

Architectural description

Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba


Aljama mosque 786 – 1000 A.D. | Cathedral mosque 15th – 18th century A.D.

STYLE: Islamic, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque.

FUNCTION: Religious

CATALOGATION: Good of Cultural Interest. Historical heritage of Spain

It is a monument of great complexity resulting from two extensive construction phases:

The first begins with its foundation as an aljama mosque in 786 AD. It contains a structured oratory with eleven naves and a courtyard with porticoes. Subsequently, a minaret is created on the north wall.

Successive rulers expanded the prayer hall to the south, building thirteen new sections of ships but continuing the same foundational structure. The last expansion will be to the east by building eight new ships around the year 1000 AD.

En 1236 d. C. la mezquita aljama se convierte en catedral, aunque la primera intervención estructural será en 1486 d. C. cuando se construye una capilla mayor gótica de una nave. Será en el s.XVI cuando se edificará una nueva capilla mayor en lenguaje renacentista y barroco de planta rectangular, de tres naves, con crucero, cubiertas con bóvedas y una gran cúpula que al exterior sobresale en alzado

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Turn HitoCultural into a lamp

With light bases, we enhance the richness of the monument, its shapes and volumes, so that its beauty is multiplied through artistic architectural lighting.

Por solo +20,00 €

Mezquita de Córdoba iluminada

Wooden model of the Mosque of Cordoba

It is a design developed from the synthesis of the architectural plans of the Mosque of Cordoba. We’ve developed this scale reproduction for you to build. It is a fun game that promotes understanding of the monument. It is developed with sustainable awareness and that is why we design and manufacture it ourselves with natural wood.